Professional Registration Granted!

posted in: Career News | 0

This past Thursday, I received a letter from the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration. The letter stated that at the January 27, 2015 board meeting I was granted registration in the category of Engineer/Electrical category with Arizona Registration … Continued

Hobbies Page Updated

posted in: Site News | 0

Happy New Year everyone! In addition to enjoying my break, I’ve been updating the content on the Hobbies page over the past couple weeks and it’s finally done. Looking at the completed page, I definitely will never have an excuse … Continued

And we’re live!

posted in: Site News | 0

It’s been a heck of a sprint, but the website is finally live. I’ll be adding content and tweaking things over the next week or so, but a lot of the work and school related content is available now. Most … Continued